
Business Idea №...The apartments all over the world.

The apartments all over the world.

Have you thought about your project on the Internet? Probably yes. Many are beginning to understand that business needs to be done on the Internet. Who is actually very easy to start a website or blog. But here is what? Of course, we do not urge to write a diary about what today was, although these blogs are very popular. When I start a new project on the Internet, I think not a single day, sometimes more than one week. business idea presented below, I really liked, and it can be realistically implemented. Can still be quite a bit to include imagination, and the idea to add new sections. So, what is the meaning of the idea ...
Normal Room - a website that contains photos of various apartments around the world. People from different countries can look at the design of an apartment, furniture, interior decoration, in general, on how other people live, and compare other people's homes with her. The site allows you to upload your photos of apartments, comment on other people and even send pictures via email.
Interesting project and a simple site. On the one hand, it is entertaining, allowing users to see the homes of people living halfway around the world. And on the other - this resource rather applied and useful in the sense that the people can always spy the idea of registration of the apartment or furniture placement in the finished real apartment, on the site.