Money for translating business ideas
Business idea - it's half the battle. But to realize it needed the money . Happens on the contrary, there is money and the desire to start a business, but no knowledge of where to invest and under what safeguards. Today, I propose, implemented a business idea in Europe. Its main principle, to find funding for your business ideas.
This "theme" can and should be even necessary to correctly implement with us.
Collective financing of projects (business plans, business ideas) is a popular destination on the Internet. Following a new trend, entrepreneurs from Brooklyn ran the resource Kickstarter, which enables artists, journalists, writers, screenwriters, producers, musicians, designers, entrepreneurs to create sources of funding for their great ideas.
The financing scheme is simple - users place a description of the idea, pointing out the deadline for collecting money for its implementation, as well as bonuses for donations, such as free T-shirt for $ 25 dollars.
By the way, the so-called "sponsors" for their donations have only promised bonuses and any share, interest of profit, etc., as well as the opportunity to follow the successful realization of this idea. The authors provide an account of ideas with the help of Amazon Payments, which will come all the money. Anyone wishing to support the project, or liked the idea of making their donations before the deadline specified by the entrepreneur.
After closing the position (when the required amount collected), all proceeds are transferred to the author's ideas. In the case if the timing of arrears, and the specified financial target was not achieved, all receipts shall be canceled automatically.
This gives a good motivational kick to the authors ideas, food for thought on why people do not want to fund the idea and stimulate the desire to communicate and to better present their idea to the greatest possible range of people. In addition, for greater motivation, project participants may Kickstarter free to use this site to test their products or selling them. The only drawback of this resource is that the proposal could benefit residents of the United States.
Therefore, local internet entrepreneurs, you can try to correct this shortcoming by creating a similar project in Russia.
Project website:
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