
Jackass millionaires earned on the Internet

Some good people came to the internet to make money , but when faced with the first failures concluded that in the internet can earn. I have completely opposite view. I am sure that the Internet is not just possible, but need to earn. Moreover, the Internet - is the most promising market, where you invest.
For example, I now have an excellent project which will begin shortly, which pays for itself within the first 7-8 months and a year starts to bring more than U.S. $ 10 000 per month net profit, with investment of just 12,000 of the same American money . Today publishes five funny business ideas that have brought their creators millions through the Internet. Friends if you are facing a dilemma of a new business, be sure to explore all possibilities of earnings in the network. Next week posted on this blog two articles on how to make money and how to lose money on the Internet. Regards to all readers.
And now the funny business idea!

Site Latest Tech News (weirdtechnewshub.blogspot.com) compiled a list of the most unusual business ideas. Some of them have not only become a successful business, but also entered the history of the Internet.
In the first place - Home to one million dollars (milliondollarhomepage.com). August 26, 2005 student Alex Tew (UK), spending approximately $ 50 for a domain name and web hosting, created the page, consisting of a logo and a gray square of 1000 x 1000 pixels. Pixels were for sale for $ 1 apiece blocks 10 x 10. Three days later came the first customer - a music website got 400 pixel block of 20 x 20. When revenues reached $ 1000, the student spent on their press release, which came on the BBC. A January 11, 2006 On the last 1000 pixels were auctioned off eBay for $ 38 thousand, then the total revenue amounted to $ 1,037,100.
In second place - Santa's Mail (santamail.org). With this service, the American Santa Claus sends personal greetings for $ 9.95. Mark on the embossed gold stamped envelope offset by the post office of the North Pole, Alaska "(from the Americans is indeed a problem with geography). In addition, Santa can send a postcard, and even after Christmas, issue a certificate of Good list, or congratulations on his birthday. To date, sent more than 270 thousand emails.
Third place goes to PositiveDating.Com - dating service for AIDS-infected. The authors of this philanthropic idea Paul Graves and Brandon Kachlin can earn in a year $ 100 thousand
The fourth item - Lucky Wishbone Co (luckybreakwishbone.com). The company sells plastic thymus turkey bones. In the English-speaking world propagation strange belief: if the two will take on both sides of the thymus and bone fractures her desire to be realized, who have remained in his hand a bigger piece. This is a standard episode of eating the traditional turkey on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.. The idea of producing and selling $ 3 plastic bones belong to the company's founder Ken Arona. Annual sales exceed $ 1 million
Closes the five Diapees & Wipees (diapeesandwipees.com), site dedicated to selling designer handbags for diapers and wipes. Christie Rein, founder of the firm, a mother of three children on their own experience to see how uncomfortable and unaesthetic push the diapers in plastic bags. In November of 2004, she designed a special bag and already in 2005 and sold them for $ 180 thousand is now a variety of drawing knapsacks are sold at a price of $ 14.99 to $ 44 as the Internet, and in more than 120 boutiques worldwide.


Return to Life of damaged discs

I think that each of our readers confronted with a problem when the use of the disk can not be considered. Someone may have already tried to solve this problem, the benefit of such methods are lacking. My suggestion is to make this good business , because if you give a guarantee (99%), which in your town nobody had not thought of. So the business idea to restore disks.
Believe me, found a good, productive, and have a proven way to recover scratched CDs. You easily can understand how to restore your discs, and to capitalize on this by offering its service to restore the CD organizations and the public by organizing a small business with low costs. The benefit of the developed method does not require costly, complex equipment and is available to everyone. It's easy to handle even the bilateral DVD. Recording Format: CD; MP3; MPEG4; DVD.
It does not matter. Personally, I use a handy utility Super Copy. Instructions for dealing with it you can easily find on the web. It is impossible to restore only the damaged disc with an amalgam, or with through cracks. In such cases the medicine is powerless. " As far as I know, this service has not yet provided one. But often it is practically the only way to save the lost data, valuable information, expensive and rare license CD. And how many in your country, car rentals drives? Imagine how happy are the owners of these shops, if you offer for a small fee to recover almost all corrupt, in their view, CD-ROMs. That's you and there will be permanent and wholesale customers, who will always be very glad to cooperate with you. After all, they are much cheaper to use your service rather than buy a new CD, the more license. And you in turn will probably be just the only person who in their region, be able to offer this type of service. After all, if you do not have competitors, and the price for the service you will be able to appoint one which you think would be consistent with this type of activity. You will be able to find clients and different organizations. After all, currently, computerization has penetrated virtually all spheres of activity. It is worth noting that the majority of citizens at home or have a computer or stereo, or DVD player or just a game console. From this it follows that the vast majority of people will be your customers, and in fact to remind you that perhaps only you, nobody will be able in your area to recover your drive.
There are countless programs and alternative ways to restore disks. It also may include rolling the special reducing layer. Good luck in your business!


One million dollars in just one year.

Many sites have already told the story. But we can not ignore. This success story simple young man, who is now just 25 years. Four years ago, in August 2005, the English guy Alex Tew created the Million Dollar Homepage - the site in one page.
The idea was simple. Blank web page, with one million blank pixels. Tew decided to sell one pixel on this page posted on the Internet. The cost of a pixel is only one dollar.
Total for the year, the stupid idea brought a young man more than a million dollars. As a consequence, he admitted: "I was hoping to get more than 5% of the results, but apparently there was a miracle." This was not a miracle. Triggering of the new law. When there is something new in the world - it attracts the interest of many people.
On its Web page had no interesting material. Only banners, some of them more than 100 pixels. Each banner ad, leading to the advertised website. On this project, there is no harmony, just a mess of colorful blocks. But as it was not enough, Internet community positively met his business idea, and as a result of selectively make one person a millionaire.
After this project on the Internet, a host of imitators, but none of them had no such success.
http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ - is the address of its advertising pages. You can emulate him as much as necessary. But it is better to adopt a lesson he gave us. Find new, then what else was not and you become a millionaire. Although both ancient wisdom says: "There is nothing new under the sun, all that has already happened." Then try to open his eyes wider, and observe, observe, observe. All that we need - is to see an idea that would translate our goals into reality.
Stay with our new site http://businesstoideas.blogspot.com/ and together we will try to find a cool business idea. If you wish to share with our readers, send me your ideas, and the best ones will be published in this blog