
Business Idea number ... Mediator auction eBay.

Mediator auction eBay.

A good business idea , which has long been needed to implement it. But personally, I have not found the time. Although for a long time ago decided that if one of your friends will, make sure you are ok.
The essence of the idea: Open the site of the auction eBay. What to do this. The maximum office, computer, internet and of course English.
Many items in this auction can be bought for a penny. If you have any more and start-up capital is well penetrating the topic may make certain purchases of running.
On what money is:
1. At the price difference.
2. On training and assistance in registration.
3. On delivery.
Read the article not once, as the company set up to trade at the auction. There are already companies selling ratings revenue in this market. eBay is a much more civilized market. All you need is to understand its terms.
Here are found the link to net, a similar agency http://zagranica.de/
I do not recommend you use the services of this company, and are encouraged to establish similar.