
Sale of air

During that today, in the troubled times of financial crisis, it is best to invest? Of course real estate in Spain - the surest way to preserve and increase their savings. Property in Spain, it is an investment and recreation in any season in the Mediterranean.
Sale of air - This is an interesting business idea was born in my head when I heard a saying about a successful businessman when said about him: he can sell even the air. " Although the statement said simply, as an example, but I thought why not. Why not just sell air?
Later I learned that the idea is not new and has almost twenty years there in the west. It turns out that the tourists traveling around the world brought in the form of gifts, the air of Paris, Berlin and Tel Aviv. In Tel Aviv in the souvenir enclose flavors that fill the room smells, and in Iceland in memory, you can buy not only the air but the rain and the fog of the country.
Moreover, recently learned about a businessman from St. Petersburg, he was on the eve of celebrating the 300 anniversary of the city, organized the sale of canned air. His name is Sergei Archers. The first batch, circulation of which was only 1000 pieces, sold out in just one day. Now the air is in great demand among tourists, and Sergei Archer is the sole owner of the patent for sale in the gift of air in Russia.
I will say that you can basically sell everything. Just stop, thought, who cares? Who will buy? But the brave, submit to the sea! For example you can sell the land in bags, or sea sand Crimea.
Do not think about the business idea as a folly. There is nothing silly. She's just extraordinary. But for her making money.